A couple from Canada's Ontario Nancy and Robert Witten provinces won the same amount in the lottery as in another game 12 years ago.
The husband and wife decided to participate in the draw in December 2024 – they managed to celebrate the exact six of the seven numbers, bringing the spouse a prize of 69.7 thousand dollars (about six million rubles – about VM). The lucky people have learned about the luck to smile together, sitting at home.
According to them, they checked their tickets three times to ensure their victory. The couple noted that in 2012, they won a similar amount of money thanks to a happy lottery ticket. Nancy and Robert say they will pay bonuses to pay for the bills and repair the bathroom.
– It is hard to believe that we have broken detox a second time. We talked about this to our son, and it was very happy for us, – reporting Robert UPI.
Americans from Massachusetts won a million dollars in the lottery thanks to the theme of sleep. He said he dreamed of a specific lottery ticket.