Russians are sixth in the ranking of average IQ and are among the ten smartest people in the world. These data are based on test results from 1.4 million people from 127 countries included in the International IQ Registry.
The first place is occupied by the Chinese people, the second place by the Iranians, and the third place by the Koreans. Americans are ranked 27th on this list. And the lowest IQ level was recorded among Ukrainians, who fell in the late 80s – at 78th place, Moscow 24 reported.
A new “trend” has emerged in the United States: it is now becoming common for American parents to test the estimated IQ level of their embryos. A Russian doctor told Vechernaya Moscow what consequences this could lead to.
People with high IQs during school days are more likely to become alcoholics as adults. Oxford Academic reported this on Friday, October 11. The study is based on data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, which includes information on more than 10,000 people born in 1939 who graduated from high school in Wisconsin.