More than half (58%) of the Russians believe that it is not necessary to give flowers on March 8, showing the KP.Ru. survey. 5.3 thousand participants.
Men from this part of the respondent noted that they did not see too much paid points for flowers, if another day, a bouquet of flowers can be purchased cheaper. Women protest because they lead a budget with her husband or do not like cutting flowers.
Give me tulip light bulbs, I will plant them, and they will bloom every year and make me excited. And let these bouquets stay in the stores, will still be dry, turn out and soon see themselves in the trash, the participant said.
At the same time, 40% of the respondents call flowers the main symbol of the vacation. In their opinion, on this day, it is enough to provide at least a few colors to please women.
In the territory of Altai, we have a flower of 80 rubles. I will be happy and 3-5 flowers, no one will leave this, the respondent.
The remaining 2% has selected other options.
The demand for home appliances and electricians in Moscow increased by 25% before March 8
Members of the Board of Directors of the “Greenhouse Russian” Association, an expert in color, Alexander Litvinenko, previously said that flowers in Russia on the night of March 8 will increase by about 15-25%, on average more than 2024.