August 6, 2022

The man ate a giant burger and almost died

08 Mar, 2025

In Singapore, the man ate a giant burger at a speed and went to the hospital with suspicion of gastric perforation. Gastroenterology Magazine has talked about this story.

The man ate a giant burger and almost died

The man ate a giant burger weighing 3.2 kg for half an hour, causing the overload of his digestive system. Eight hours after the competition, Singma ended in the hospital with complaints about abdominal pain and heavy flatulence.

It turned out that he was flattened by the pancreas. Doctors inserted a probe to reduce the pressure in the abdomen, but this could not help him.

Finally, his digestive system began to operate independently, and after five days, the man was discharged home.

According to the doctors, he was very lucky, when he avoided a gastric or intestinal distance.

Earlier, MK wrote that a 36 -year -old resident of the territory of Krasnoyarsk was choked and died at the Banh Chua contest during the Shrovetide celebration.

