Louvre's Paris Museum bought a large collection of mainstream symbols from Byzantium. Regarding this, “Kommersant”.
In the byzantine and Eastern Christian art of Louvre, a collection of symbols of businessman Lebanon Georges Abu Adal, supplemented by his son Freddie Abu Adala of 272 symbols, was acquired. The images were written on the island of Crete, in Greece, in Balkan, in Wallachia, Russia, Levante (area, including Syria, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon) and in areas of Melkite (in the Middle East).
Catholic Georges Abu Adal was born in 1920. After that, he graduated from the Jesuit School, and he began to collect symbols in 1952. The main part of his collection was collected until the 1970s, but the new revenue continued until the 90s.
Earlier, the director of Louvre Laurers de Car asked the Minister of French Culture to repair the museum.
Earlier, Macron announced the transfer of Mona Lisa to Louvre Hall with a separate entrance.